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Greenwich Mystery CAL – March

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2023 Refresh- comments from the designer

Congratulations to Lorena who won the February prize. This month’s prize is definitely more crochet-exclusive and features an enamel pin badge from Lana Bou that says what we’re all thinking: “CROCHYAY” and a gold foiled pouch featuring the word “Crochet”.

To enter this months panel for a chance to win, post a photo to Instagram and tag me @lovealyuk or submit following this post in the Facebook group (you’ll have to join the group here to access) – you can submit your 2020 panels too!

When I look back on this post, it’s amusing to see that I started on the topic of Birmingham- my hometown, and somewhere I haven’t lived in almost 2 years now. In fact, today I’m about to meet a man from Birmingham, AL (in the US!) and I feel like somehow my life is coming full circle with these little events!

I felt rather hopeless by March 2020, the official start of the first U.K. Covid lockdown, and it became harder to look for rainbows, but here I am, with my life back on track and never taking anything for granted. I am forever grateful that 3 years later I have found myself in a career I love completely, at a workplace I adore and living in a house I have made into a colourful home. Let this rainbow panel remind you that things can and do get better. It just takes a little time…

Original 2020 post:

In Birmingham there’s a huge parade for St Patrick’s Day and it’s the one time of year when everyone is Irish even when they’re not. I hope this year is lucky for each and every one of you, and so while I might not be able to get you a pot of gold, a new instalment of the Greenwich Mystery CAL might bring you good fortune…

Please read the CAL information here (if you haven’t already) to get all the information you need about the mystery pattern.

So without further ado, introducing the…

March Rainbow

Rainbows are often seen after a rainstorm when the sun breaks through the clouds. This provides us with a very powerful and important message: that good and beautiful things often follow the darkest storms. So while St. Patrick’s day in March ultimately led me to the decision to include a rainbow – it is a symbol of hope for many, to carry on through the storm.

So whatever you’re going through right now, keep holding out for that rainbow!

But whats a rainbow got to do with St. Patrick, I hear you ask? Well, St. Patrick went to Ireland to convert people to Christianity and the rainbow is a representation of God’s promise to never again destroy the earth with a flood (remember Noah’s Ark?) You can read more about that here.


You will need:


Again, most questions will be answered here so please read the CAL information here before starting. Every question that gets asked will be added to this document so that everyone can benefit.

Whatever you might be going through this March, I hope that a rainbow will shine down on you and all your crochet. Don’t forget to add this pattern to your Ravelry queue here and sign up to either the Facebook group or the newsletter to stay informed on when the April panel will be released.


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