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Greenwich Mystery CAL – February

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2023 Refresh- comments from the designer:

Congratulations to Kristen R. who won the beautiful prize from erisapple and a stitch marker set. It’s so great to see a lot of you come back to this blanket. This month we have a signed copy of The Substitute by New York Times Bestselling Author Denise Grover Swank as well as a 100g skein of yarn by Vicki Brown Designs.

To enter this months panel for a chance to win, post a photo to Instagram and tag me @lovealyuk or submit following this post in the Facebook group (you’ll have to join the group here to access) – you can submit your 2020 panels too!

This February, 3 years on from when this post was originally published, finds me single, living in a new town, in a new job, proving that the universe really does work in mysterious ways sometimes -I’ve never been happier.

I can’t wait to see all your February roses, and I wish you all the love in the world.

Original 2020 post:

Ahhh February! A hint of spring is getting closer, but still a little bit of winter remains settled on the grass each morning. But February promises heart-felt wishes at Valentines Day and a new panel release for the Greenwich Mystery CAL…

Roses are red, violets are blue… and I guess February is always associated with Valentines Day, Cupid’s and Love Hearts. I just love the influx of chocolates in the stores and all the heart-shaped sweets!

Please read the CAL information here (if you haven’t already) to get all the information you need about the mystery pattern.

Fitting with this theme, no it’s not a love heart…

February Rose

An anagram of the word “rose” is “Eros” who is celebrated as the God of Love and Greek mythology tells that red rose is the favourite flower of the Goddess Venus, who is the Goddess of Love. If you’d like to read up about roses in Greek Mythology, I find this article particularly fascinating.

You will need:


In C2C, each coloured block in the chart below represents 1 block of 4 trebles (US = doubles). Start at the bottom right and work your way up to the top left corner. Please share your finished block with #LoveAlyGreenwichCAL on Facebook and Instagram. Check out the Love Aly Designs and Crochet Community group here to share hints and tips!

SPOILER ALERT: February and June’s panels can be swapped, as the Rose is also the birth flower for those born in June. No more hints though….

Again, most questions will be answered here so please read the CAL information here before starting. Every question that gets asked will be added to this document so that everyone can benefit.

Enter your email below to get all the latest CAL details and to get alerts when the next monthly panel is revealed! [mailpoet_form id=”1″]

Giving someone a single rose is a symbol of thankfulness for that person being in your life. I thank each and every one of you for your support for this CAL and my other crochet patterns. Happy Valentines Day! Don’t forget to add this pattern to your Ravelry queue here and sign up to either the Facebook group or the newsletter to stay informed on when the March panel will be released.


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