add_action( 'init', function() { add_post_type_support( 'product', 'revisions' ); }); Greenwich Mystery CAL - January -

Greenwich Mystery CAL – January

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2023 Refresh- comments from the designer:

Happy New Year keen crocheters! Today marks the first day of 2023 and the start of the Greenwich CAL refresh.

I am incredibly excited to welcome you back and grateful that so many of you have chosen to join in the fun, or come back to this CAL after it’s original release in 2020.

This months prizes are a lovely 2022-themed Patch from Erisapple, as well as some snowflake-themed stitch markers from my store. To enter this months panel for a chance to win, post a photo to Instagram and tag me @lovealyuk or submit following this post in the Facebook group (you’ll have to join the group here to access)

I’m so looking forward to seeing your panels and how you interpret the colours!

Original 2020 post:

Happy 2020! Can you believe this New Year brings with it a new decade. Is it the Roaring 20s once again?! With this wonderful new year, I reveal the first panel for the Greenwich Mystery CAL…

Please read the CAL information here before starting to get the low-down on the mystery pattern!

When the clock struck 00:00 at Greenwich, it signified the start of the New Year for all of us in the UK, but Greenwich itself is such an important location for all things time. It’s what every country bases its time zone off of. This mystery blanket will signify the transition of time across the year- so Greenwich seems an apt name!

Being in the Northern hemisphere, January’s here are cold! It’s perfect crochet weather and I love being wrapped up in all my wooly goodies!

So without further ado, featuring one of the coldest things I can imagine, the first panel for the Greenwich Mystery CAL

The January Penguin!

You will need:


In C2C, each coloured block in the chart below represents 1 block of 4 trebles (US = doubles). Start at the bottom right and work your way up to the top left corner.

The thicker black lines for the penguins eyes should be stitched on after the block is complete. Give him any facial expression you like (and please share your finished block with #LoveAlyGreenwichCAL on Facebook and Instagram. Check out the Love Aly Designs and Crochet Community group here to share hints and tips!

Again, most questions will be answered here so please read the CAL information here before starting. Every question that gets asked will be added to this document so that everyone can benefit.

Enter your email below to get all the latest CAL details and to get alerts when the next monthly panel is revealed! [mailpoet_form id=”1″]

Wishing you a happy and wonderful 2020- hopefully this penguin will make your January blue in yarn-colouring only!

Thanks for supporting me and my yarny dreams. Can’t wait to see your completed panels! Don’t forget to add this pattern to your Ravelry queue here and sign up to either the Facebook group or the newsletter to stay informed on when the February panel will be released.

  • Joyce Gravino


    This is so cute. I make a secret board in my pinterest to preserve your copywrite.

    • Aly

      Thank you! But feel free to share the link to the page if you want anyone else to know about the pattern 🙂

  • Leona



    • Aly

      Hi! Thanks for reading! 🙂

  • Keelie


    I’m not going to take part because I have too many WIPs at the moment but it looks great so far, well done ????????????

    • Aly

      Thanks so much! Hope you’ll join in after your WIPs are complete (I have so many too!)

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