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Greenwich Mystery CAL – November

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Apologies for the lateness of this post. I started November single, after leaving an almost 3 year relationship behind and facing another lockdown alone.

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I’ve been working late hours and losing track of days. Isn’t that how everyone deals with stress…?! After parting ways with A on Friday, I headed to Milton Keynes so he could move his stuff out. Big changes are coming my way and I’m planning on selling my house and moving to a different city.

I’ve always had visions of a quiet country life. A cottage, a cat, and maybe a thatched roof. A domestic goddess in the making. And there’s one thing I’d always be serving up for dessert at dinner parties in November…

November Apple Pie

Once again, apologies as I haven’t finished my sample piece. I’m hoping to catch up over lockdown. But the chart below will give you a good idea of what to expect!

You will need:


Again, most questions will be answered here so please read the CAL information here before starting. Every question that gets asked will be added to this document so that everyone can benefit.

Thank you so much for baring with me, and again apologies for the late panel!


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