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Charity Crochet Classes

mind UK Charity logo

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Mental health is a cause very close to my heart. So when I was asked at work if I wanted to join an Accumulator Challenge to raise funds for charity, I knew it had to be for Mind UK and I knew just what I was going to do- Charity Crochet Classes.

Mind UK provide help and support directly to those who need it most. There’s a network of around 130 local Minds across England and Wales that offer specialised support and care based on the needs of the communities they support.

And when 1 in 4 of us will experience a mental health problem every year- that’s a fair few of us needing support!

By uniting a great charity with my great passion, I am well on my way to turning my £50 into £500 and meeting my target for Mind UK. But if you’re looking to take up crochet for the first time, then you can join one of my classes in either Sutton Coldfield or Peterborough where all the proceeds will go to this great cause.

You’ll walk out with a goody bag and the knowledge to get started in crochet, and Mind UK will receive the funds they need to carry on their great work.

To book tickets for the Charity Crochet Classes  please visit the following pages:

Sutton Coldfield 21st July 2019

Peterborough 27th July 2019

If you’d like to sponsor me then please visit my JustGiving page.

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