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Soak Wash: How To Dunk Your Knits for Optimum Squish

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If you’re new to the world of fibre-care and you’ve stepped back from the washing machine and decided to explore wool wash as an alternative, here’s my quick guide to using Soak Wash to keep your fibre makes looking great time and time again.

I don’t even remember how I discovered Soak Wash, but it was one of those happy accidents that changed my life. I’d always whacked things in the washing machine and hoped for the best, and 9 times out of 10 things were okay… until they weren’t and I was pulling yarn out of the drum.

I’d always wince at the idea of handwashing- the soaking part was easy, but the endless rinsing and rinsing, not to mention rinsing now water-logged heavy items, really put me off.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could just soak your items without having to rinse them?

Well, ladies & gents. I present to you: SOAK WASH.

Latin for: GAME CHANGER.

In 3 steps you can refresh your knits and leave all their life in tact. This stuff is the gentlest thing for your knits and smells incredible. Its also the perfect thing for lazy people like me.

Click the links below to get your dose of Soak Wash:

UK / US / Canada (pssst, they all ship worldwide!)

Step 1: Lukewarm Water + 1tsp Soak Wash

Step 2: Dunk Your Knits!

Dunk them, swill them around a little to make sure they get fully saturated with all that beautiful smelling Soak Wash water and leave them completely alone for 15 minutes. Go make yourself a cup of tea and chill for a few.

Click the links below to get your dose of Soak Wash:

UK / US / Canada (pssst, they all ship worldwide!)

Step 3 – Gently Wring & Lay Flat to Dry

I like to grab a towel and roll my piece into a swiss-roll style sausage and gently press the moisture out. After that, I dry it flat on the floor, and/or pin it in place. Once its dry its ready to wear!


Literally thats how easy it is to keep your knits squish-worthy for a lifetime!

Click the links below to get your dose of Soak Wash:

UK / US / Canada (pssst, they all ship worldwide!)

The pattern featured here is the Vivien Halter by Ponder and Ply which you can get here. The yarn is a one of a kind skein by Royd Moor yarns.

The best thing about Soak Wash, even though its the best and beautifully lazy way of keeping things fresh and long-lasting, is it doesnt just extend to your knits or fibre-arts. You can Soak pretty much ANYTHING. Its super delicate and comes in so many different smells. Its also super handy for on-the-go washes while you’re on holiday or in desperate need of a refresh!

Check out this vintage Sylvester getting a new lease of life!

Click the links below to get your dose of Soak Wash:

UK / US / Canada (pssst, they all ship worldwide!)

While this post is a shameless plug, I wouldn’t endorse something I don’t believe in. Soak Wash haven’t asked me to write this post and I’m doing it purely because I think more people need to know about this amazing product and how it can spare you from accidentally ruining your items! (See my ruined sweater here.)


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