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LSS: The Wool Shop, Newport Pagnell, UK [CLOSED]

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[usrlist “Number of Brands Stocked:3” “Size of Store:4” “WOW-Factor:3” “Knit and Natter:3”]

Being the ever supportive girlfriend that I am (that, and having nothing else to do), when A asked me to accompany him to Milton Keynes for his work-thing, I agreed to go. He heads out to the US on Friday for two whole weeks, and I’m desperate to spend as much time with him as humanly possible.

I’ve started to mope lately, and enduring what I call “bad mental health days”. Day 1 of our Milton Keynes trip was A working, and me bumming around the hotel room alone: read – 3 naps and pining to not be alone while watching alllllll the daytime TV.

So day 2 I mustered a little motivation to head out (spurred on by the 1pm checkout time!). We’d been out to a lovely Thai restaurant in Newport Pagnell the night before (Pin Petch on the High Street – DEFINITELY recommend!) and we’d wandered past some cute shops – including The Wool Shop. I knew I had to come back! 

The Wool Shop is situated at 1 High Street, Newport Pagnell, MK16 8AR. Its at the very end of the street only a few doors down from the Thai restaurant!

The Wool Shop Newport Pagnell

When you walk in, Anna, the shops Spanish owner (from Valencia!) is quick to greet you at the door and ask if you’re looking for anything in particular. She’s a very warm person and definitely knows her yarn! She stocks everything from James C. Brett to Katia. Also – can I mention that I can’t get enough of the Katia Air Lux – that peacock blue colour is TO DIE FOR.

The Wool Shop Newport Pagnell

It has a lovely drape and soft sheen to it and I’ve now got a whole list of potential projects whizzing around my head. Must restrain myself!

The best part of visiting this yarn shop, was stumbling across the Knit and Natter that was scheduled for 2pm. So after buying myself a new hook (I was totally unprepared for crochet on this trip – I packed a crochet bag but forgot to pick it up at the door!) and some yarn, I went along and met some lovely ladies and their projects. 

We spoke about everything, and even tried to throw in a quick crochet lesson for a hardcore knitter! I managed to make a third of the project that I started (in two hours!) and I’ll be posting to the blog shortly to show you how it goes! I think I needed a little group atmosphere and a quick little project to get me out of my rut. I still haven’t finished all of my WIPs.

My mental health has really been poor lately, but these few hours were great. I think a social atmosphere is great to give you the get-up-and-go to start your day (albeit at 2pm!) the right way. I felt so much better for doing it, that I came home and made the next third of my project. Fingers crossed I might finish this one!!!

These ladies were all so supportive of each other and brought patterns to share to the group- they even made each other crochet hook cases which were so adorable I just had to whip out my camera. Such a brilliant group of ladies- I’m sad that I don’t live closer!

The Wool Shop Newport Pagnell

All in all, it was an enjoyable day out crocheting. Anna is in the middle of setting up her online store where you can purchase some great buys (she has a killer discount bin!). Check out her website here, and keep your eyes peeled for updates as the site grows.

Have you ever visited The Wool Shop? What was your experience like? Can you recommend any other Knit and Natters for me to crash? I’d love to hear your experiences with these types of groups- how they can be made better and what you like most about them? How do they help you with your mental health?


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