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The Creative Craft Show 2019

Entrance to Creative Craft Show at Birmingham NEC

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This weekend the Creative Craft Show was back in Birmingham- yet another 3 days jammed full of arty and crafty materials for all! I headed there this Sunday to check out the menagerie of supplies and tools that would have any crafter drooling…

This show is a haven for all types of craft enthusiasts- being knitters, crocheters (like me), jewellery makers, quilters, dressmakers, willow-basket lovers, glass-making gurus, the list goes on!

As soon as we entered the exhibitors hall we came across the wonderful entirely-knitted seascape created by Margaret Seaman. Margaret has spent the past year knitting her tribute to Great Yarmouth and her beautiful work is over 4 meters long! We were off to a great start!

I loved having a wander through the aisles to see familiar faces and new faces alike. Black Sheep Wools and TOFT had but two of the 50+ stands. There was so much yarn- I was in heaven!

Workshops were at the heart this event, and you could try everything from stained-glass making to willow basket weaving. My friend and I rocked up at Corinne Lapierre’s stand purely thanks to curiosity.

Corinne runs a business selling felt kits. I have never felted before but we were pulled in by a group of ladies gathered around a table sewing adorable little birds. So we sat down and spent over an hour enjoyably stitching these little beauties from Corinne’s new book- and thankfully she was close at hand to run us through the stitches we had never attempted before.

Embroidery is something I’ve always struggled with when I find a smattering of it within a crochet pattern. It’s something that’s always made me actively recoil, but Corinne explained things simply and gave us a demonstration too. This is one of the big reasons I love craft shows- you get the opportunity to not only meet the maker, but also learn a new skill and test-drive a new hobby!

I ended up walking out with one of Corinne’s kits to make at home- definitely feeding my llama obsession!

Visit Corinne’s store here:

After enjoying a tipple here there and everywhere (who knew a craft show could have so many free alcohol tastings?!) we found ourselves at Black Sheep Wools- a familiar face to most in the yarn biz- and admiring these gorgeous blankets!

Check out Black Sheep Wools here:

Brian’s Best Wools was also a store we spent some time at, gazing around the wooly marvels. Brian’s stocks masses of Debbie Bliss yarns so this is definitely the place to shop if you’re a DB fan!

The yarn multipacks on offer were at a great price to get you started on your next project and some of the colourways were to die for!

Find Brian’s Best Wools here:

All in all we had a great day, and it was a great day to spend a Sunday. I definitely think one day is enough unless you book yourself onto a ton of workshops (which run from the Friday to Sunday). We were lucky that Corinne’s was free, but they usually range from £10 upward depending on the craft.

Ultimately, attending a show is a great way to experience a new craft and get a feel for it without blowing all your hard earned cash on supplies you’ve got no idea how to get started with! All the gear and no idea…

The entry to the show is £10 but if you’re lucky, you can often find Buy One Get One Free bargains on Groupon if you’re a savvy shopper!

I’ll definitely be back for the next Birmingham Show in November ready to stock up on crafty treats in time for Christmas!

Want to attend the Creative Craft Show next time it’s near you? Check out these upcoming events:



24-27 OCTOBER 2019 · SEC · GLASGOW


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