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The Conversion of a Crocheter to a Knitter [A Saga: Part 1]

Girl holding blue knit pro knitting needles

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So I’ve set myself the target of learning how to knit and becoming a fully-fledged knitter. After seeing The Knit Fit Dress all over Instagram and falling instantly in love with it- I started to evaluate my options- pay someone to make it for me or make it myself.

Knowing the value of yarn-craft, and that having a custom dress made for me would break my piggy bank, I decided to opt for the latter.

My friend Jane, the one who taught me to crochet, brought a pair of knitting needles into work and declared it my new challenge: and I sucked. Really sucked! So I didn’t try again. That was over a year ago.

A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of visiting The Knitting Corner in Sutton Coldfield (where I’ll be hosting my Charity Crochet Class for Mind UK) and met Sarah, who promised me that she could convert a Crocheter to knitting in just a few hours.

Today I decided to take her up on that offer.

In 3.5hours she has managed to show me the basics- continental style.

…although I still have no clue how continental knitting differs from anything else but apparently it’s easier for crocheters to pick up!


Also, I say “show” instead of “teach” because I am still trying to get my head around the black magic that is knitting.

Knitting needles and a ball of Rowan were handed to me as soon as I got to the shop and the knitting commenced, and 10 minutes into our session I’d already dropped an accidental F-word. Luckily casting on and knit stitch came pretty quickly.

It’s really strange getting used to needles and not hooks. I can’t “grab” the yarn and pull it through. It’s like some kind of black magic jiggery pokery…

Purl stitch is definitely a challenge that causes me more stress than it should.

Somehow I keep getting a “bonus” wrap when forming it. Which means I have to do a “bonus unwrap” at the end of each stitch…

And do. not. get. me. started. on. DROPPED STITCHES!!!!!!!!

I have homework: as we speak I am working on the Simple Shrug pattern by Ida Olniansky. Fingers crossed it works out and I become a knitter at last…

To be continued…

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  • steelbreeze


    Cool! Welcome to a new rabbithole! 🙂

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