Hi, I’m Aly.
I like bad coffee and bad wine. I’m a gin enthusiast who stumbled upon crochet as a craft in 2017 when looking at what to make for my goddaughter on her Christening.
Since then, yarn has taken over every corner of my household, and I might aswell be taking out shares in vacuum pack-technology. I’m always itching to get started with a new project and inspiration strikes everywhere- but I never seem to have enough yarn! (wah, wah, waaaah)
So this is where my blog begins. Inspired by the words of a Thai sherpa who led me into some rather precarious mountains near Burma under the guise of “never try, never know”, here I am, giving blogging a stab so I can break up the monotonous cycle of my full-time gig in engineering, with a side hustle embellished with yarn.
Where stated, all patterns have been written by myself under the pseudonym ‘Love, Aly’. I’d love to see what you’ve been working on, so make sure to tag me on Insta @lovealyuk