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The 6 Best Hand Exercises for the Crochet Addict

Hand Exercise Demonstrated for Crocheters and Knitters - Flat Hand

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Disclaimer: These hand exercises are for continuing hand health, and aren’t a cure-all for chronic pain. If you have extreme or worrisome pain then please see your GP!

If you want your crochet to last a lifetime, you don’t need to just make sure that you’re buying a good quality yarn, you also need to worry about keeping your hands healthy! They’re a crocheters most important tool after all…

Hand exercises increase blood flow to damaged cartilage, helping it stay healthy and prevent further damage. My doctor always sings about how exercise also strengthens muscles around the joints to help take some of the pressure off (Ehlers-Danlos be damned!)

You see, hand exercises can stimulate the production of synovial fluid too, which lubricates the joints so that they don’t feel stiff- perfect after an intense crochet sesh!

You should do these hand exercises often and be gentle as you do so.

Don’t push your body past what’s comfortable to do.

If it hurts, stop!


#1 – Bend your Fingers Back Together

By bending your fingers back and pushing your palms forward.

Hold this for 2-3 seconds and then gently bring your fingers into a fist.

Repeat 10 reps.

#2 – Bend your Thumb

If you’re like me, and keep a death grip on your hook, you’ll benefit greatly from this one!

Bend your thumb back, as far as you can comfortably.

Hold 2-3 seconds before lifting back slowly into a fist.

Repeat 10 times, seeing if you can beat your flex each time.

#3 – Bend your Fingers One At a Time

Similar to the thumb position above, bend your fingers back one at a time and try to hold for 2-3 seconds each, before returning to a fist.

Repeat 5 times for each finger.

See if you can beat your flex each time but remain comfortable!


#4 – Make a C

Make a C shape with your hand like you’re trying to hold onto a sandwich. You’ll feel the pull in the tops of your fingers. Hold this position for 4 seconds then relax for 4 seconds.

Repeat 10 times on each hand.

#5 – Make a Fist

#6-  Rotate your Wrists

As easy as it says on the tin! Rotate your wrists in all directions for a good 10-15 seconds to keep everything well oiled! Then you’re ready to get your hook out again!


Enjoy crocheting with your newly exercised hands!

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