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2023: A Look Through my Ravelry Queue


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Did you see my post about my 2022 makes? Time to start planning my 2023 fibre-makes. And where better to start than with a look through my Ravelry Queue?!

Granted, this list is currently at over 120 things- and with my track record of between 10-20 makes per year, this is 10 years worth of makes!!!! Hmmm… I wonder how much I can pay Michelle to start making some of this stuff for me haha.

These are the TEN I am going to try and make this year.

#1 – Le Pouf by Hedgehog Fibres

After being absolutely spoiled rotten to a Dystopic Fibre advent calendar this year, this pattern rocketed to the top of my queue. I’m going to hold those 4ply babies double to marl through all 24 shades of wonderfulness and create a Le Pouf. I’ve doubled down and also ordered the matching skein to do all the ribbing and edging on it so this is going to be one eccentric FO.

#2 – Cargill Sweater by Rebecca Clow

Another surprise-spoil for me the last few months was being gifted some amazing Magpie Fibre yarn. I’ve been saving it for something special that would use up every last centimeter. I found that special pattern in Cargill by Rebecca Clow. This will probably be the ‘portable project’ I cast on as Le Pouf isn’t so moveable given the 24 mini skeins I need to cake. I’m really excited to make this one and have a self-made hug!

#3 – Glamazon Dress by Julie Knits in Paris

After the early demise of my Plumetis, I have yet to finish a Julie Knits in Paris pattern and this Glamazon Dress pattern has been sitting in the wings waiting. As has my 2020 Mad Scientist Yarns: Hyde advent which fades incredibly into a rainbow (with some creative rearranging). I think 2023 will finally be its year!

#4 – Au Revior Blouse by Masha Zyablikova

Again, praying that an entirely-mohair project doesn’t break me (or get broken), I’m going to put aside my hatred of bobble stitches (ignited by my Darmody) and attempt this weightless wonder: the Au Revior blouse. I might even go for the same colour/yarn-combo on account of having fallen in love.

#5 – Aura Sweater by Gingko B

Assuming that #4 goes well and I haven’t put mohair down forever, I will attempt the Aura Sweater for which I’ve had the pattern and yarn for longer than I’ve been single (which is bliss by the way!). I made Autumn’s Koi Tee blouse before Christmas so I’m looking forward to another of her patterns which I think will be super work-appropriate and perfect for the time of year I’m aiming to complete this (spring, one can dream!)

#6 – The Vivy Skirt by Namaste & Crochet

After spending weeks sourcing the appropriate colour threads to make this Vivy Skirt, I stashed them and havent picked it up since. This looks so simple it could even be a weekend make, so I am super peeved I haven’t made it yet. Its high up on my list for 2023 for that reason exactly.

#7 – Crux by Kindred Red

The more I write this post, the more angry I get with myself. Yet again this is a pattern for which I have all the yarn stashed away. The Crux was the reason I started to read Pom Pom Magazine. I bought my first issue entirely for this pattern and have so many cotton scraps that my stash will be significantly reduced. I can see it being another frequently worn object in my wardrobe.

#8 – Jasmine Lingerie Set by Azramati

My brain is still in 2020 loungewear mode and I love the idea of this Jasmine Lingerie set for summer holidays on days when I dont want to get wet in the pool. I’m trying to reintroduce crochet for fun- rather than for work and I think this is a great little crochet addition to my queue along with the Vivy Skirt.

#9 – Pangalossian Sweater by Morthunder

Again I was gifted some amazing yarn by my bestie Michelle from Mad Scientist Yarns in almost these colours. They were a OOAK and I still have some undyed yarn left from my Diaphonous Raglan that I’m looking to utilise and make into this super cute Pangalossian Sweater. Now if only I could remember where I put it…

#10 – Alice Cardigan by Msjesschika

Again a pattern thats lived in my library for too long, and once again reintroducing some more ‘fun’ crochet is the Alice Cardigan. I think this delicate little number will again become a cute little work staple that can go from smart to casual with a change of shoes!

In addition to these patterns I am planning on releasing a few of my own, starting with Spectroscopy, which you can see here:

I can be a dreamer I guess that I’ll achieve all of these feats of fibre-engineering by the close of 2023! Stay tuned to see if I succeed!


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