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Advent Yarns – 8 of the best Crochet patterns to use up those mini skeins!

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It’s funny to be writing about Advent when it’s only the middle of May, but it’s the time of year when indie dyers start to upload their advent calendar offerings. And it’s no wonder, with the amount of dyeing, and prep work it takes to deliver a fantastic fibrous Christmas- they really are miracle workers!

Working with Mad Scientist Yarns last year, I witness first hand just how much work goes into these wonderful countdowns. Aside from the dyeing itself, theres the promotion, the theme considerations, additional notions to be sourced or made, just to name a few!

But what to do with those 25g mini skeins once they arrive? Never fear, the inspiration list is here!

More of a knit-lover? Check out the Knit List here.

#1 – Spicy Diamond Blanket by Haak Maar Raak

When I saw this simple yet eye-catching diamond pattern, I knew it was crying out to be made out of a mishmash of advent yarns. My version above is made using the Mad Scientist Yarns 2020 Advent in their Hyde colourway. Its such a simple pattern that even a complete crochet newbie could manage this statement blanket.

Find the pattern here.

#2 – Vielfarb by Tanja Osswald

Designed especially with Advent yarns in mind, the Vielfarb (meaning ‘Multicoloured’ in German) is just that! A multicoloured shawl that utilises entrelac crochet to make this wonderful cacophony of happy.

Find the pattern here.

#3 – Skater Dress by ItchyCrochet

Now while the image above shows the dress in one colour, imagine how great it would look with a fade all the way down! Using between 1600m – 2000m of yarn, you’re sure to have plenty to make this beauty pop!

Find the pattern here.

#4 – Scrappy Stripes Sweater by Evelyn Stowe

Gather up your skeins and find a contrasting colour to make this sweater to show off your advent yarns. If you’re lucky you can have it finished on Christmas Day to wear around the dinner table!

Find the pattern here.

#5 – Lollidots Shawl by Edie Eckman

Add pops of Advent colour to this otherwise neutral scarf. Sure to keep you snug when winter sets in, and means you’ll still have some yarn left over for other projects.

Find the pattern here.

#6 – Weaving Stairs Blanket by Mette Hesselbjerg

With Advent calendars offering a generous amount of yarn, its no surprise that most people reach for their favourite blanket patterns to show them off. A fade set would look amazing against a pop of contrasting colour in this mosaic blanket.

Find the pattern here.

#7 – Endless Eyelets Cardi by Mama in a Stitch

A practical use for all those Advent yarns. Keep yourself snug in this easy-to-make cardigan pattern. Size inclusive and beginner-friendly. Whats more to love?

Find the pattern here.

#8 – Battenberg by Gina Rockenwagner

When I opened up my issue of Pom Pom Quarterly, I squealed with delight when I found this amazing granny-square cardigan of DREAMS. My advent yarns are crying in the corner, begging to be made into this retro piece.

Find the pattern here.

What patterns have you made out of your Advent yarns? And more importantly, which indie dyers Advent offering will you be purchasing this year? I’d love to know in the comments below!


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