CROCHET PATTERN – Deadwood Mandala

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It’s been a big month for me. I was able to leave something behind that was causing me a lot of mental grief in exchange for a more relaxed life and piece of mind. I now have the time and space to focus on my dreams and to figure out what I really want at last.

So this is how the Deadwood Mandala was born.

I sleep, a lot, and dream just as much. So I wake up utterly exhausted and I exist. From day-to-day I don’t live. I exist. In my state of tiredness.

I am not a morning bird or a night owl. I am a permanently exhausted pigeon!

So I’ve made this little crochet Mandala to hopefully catch the dreams before they reach my mind.

Native Americans would hang these beautiful little spiderweb dreamcatchers above their babies cribs to protect them. They were beautifully decorated with charms and feathers to lord away evil spirits and named Dreamcatchers. However as I am a non-Native American, I am not intending to create a Dreamcatcher and instead a Mandala. But this little Mandala is very meditative to make, and hopefully it will also keep your mind at ease.

Crochet patterns for a serotonin boost

I discovered Deadwood 3 years ago completely by accident, driving through the depths of South Dakota (incidentally my favourite state!), and it was here that I learnt about the legends of the Wild West, as well as the Treaty of Fort Laramie that protected the lands of the Native people.

Deadwood became a lawless and utterly chaotic town during the 19th Century, and when thinking about what wild-west inspired town to name my Mandala after, the juxtaposition of the serenity of the Mandala and the madness of Deadwood seemed to be the perfect combination.

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This is a Super beginner-friendly pattern that can be worked up in an evening as a homage to (and not a replacement of) a Native American Mandala. It’s perfect for beginners wanting to transition into more difficult circular Mandala-style patterns who want to challenge themselves with a new yarn weight and smaller hook.

You will need:


Ch = chain

TC = treble crochet (UK) (US = double crochet)

BpTC = backpost treble crochet (UK) (US = back post double crochet)

SlSt = slip stitch

sts = stitches

Sk = skip


Thread 24 6mm beads onto yarn before you start.

Struggle with beading? Sew the beads on afterwards!

You will attach the hoop to the work by sewing through the “points” of which there are 8 in total.


Make a magic circle (or alternatively ch 8 and SlSt to first st to join into a circle). 24TC into Centre.

Ch8 (counts as 3+5), sk 2sts, *TC, Ch5*, repeat from *to * another 7 times. Join with SlSt to 3rd Ch of starting Ch8.

Ch3 (counts as TC), TC into each of the 4 sts of the ch in the row below. Pass a bead onto 3 of the middle sts as you go. *Ch3, 5TC passing a bead onto 3 of the TCs as you go* repeat from * to * 6 more times. Ch3. Join with SlSt to 3rd ch of starting ch.

*Ch10. Sk 4TC and ch3-sp. SlSt into 1st st of 5TC group* repeat 7 more times. SlSt to join to base of 1st st.

SlSt into. 1st ch of ch10-sp. *14TC in ch10-sp, Ch1* repeat 7 more times. Join with SlSt.

Ch3, BpTC into all stitches around (112 sts) join with SlSt to first st. Fasten off and weave in ends. Attach to hoop.

Add embellishments. I wrapped the leather cord around the base of the hoop and used a glue gun to attach the feathers to the leather.

I hope you enjoyed this quick and basic Mandala pattern and I hope it makes you feel more comfortable in exploring the world of crocheting in the round!

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  • Dyane Thompson


    Absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for sharing the pattern and the awesome information!

    • Aly

      Glad you like it! Thanks for visiting the blog and look out for free patterns on the first Friday of every month!

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