add_action( 'init', function() { add_post_type_support( 'product', 'revisions' ); }); Happy New Year! My WIP Resolution -

Happy New Year! My WIP Resolution

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Its been a while! Happy New Year! I find January feels like it goes on for an eternity, but rather than wishing it away, I want to savour its crisp, winter mornings and prime knit-time because before you know it it’ll be February and then the year will fly by. I’m not making any resolutions this year (other than to be conitnually improving myself as a human) but I have decided that this is the year I’m going to complete some of my neglected WIPs. So here is my so-called WIP Resolution for 2024… do you remember any of these?

As a die-hard lover of Pom Pom magazine, I was devastated to see that they were going to cease trading following their latest Spring issue. It’s honestly beautiful, and I’ve been drawn to so many patterns. Not to mention the amazing Fortuna’s Wheel set by Elspeth Vance. Obviously, my giant stash of yarns doesn’t have *exactly* the right yarn that I need, and with its complexity I’m willing to bide my time until I’ve seen a few finished pieces on its Ravelry project page before diving in head first and having to troubleshoot myself (if any troubleshooting is needed…) Instead, I’m thinking this beauty will be a reward for completing these WIPs that haven’t seen the light of day in a while.

So what’s currently ACTIVE and actually getting some attention right now?

#1 – Raoul Sweater by Joanna Kolibri

Saw it, loved it, immediately bought the yarn and cast on while away over Christmas. Then proceeded to get nothing done while distracted by sun, sea and sand. So this has had a new lease of life since coming back to freezing cold England. I’ve made the front and back pieces in the same yarn as the designer (Hobbii) and now I find myself on a different kind of sleeve island as they’re worked FLAT. Now I’m not sure what I’m going to hate more- knitting sleeves flat or having to seam. the. entire. thing. But New Year, New Me, right? This one is currently active and I swear I’ll be starting those sleeves today.

Get the pattern here.

#2 – Sheer V by Jessie Maed

Speaking of sleeve-island, that is firmly where I have landed with my Sheer V. After finding the most beautiful yarn by Beach Bunny Yarns while out in Florida in October, I later decided that my 4-skein investment would almost certainly wash me out. So I decided to pair it with some equally beautiful Republica Unicornia Suri yarn – failing to even consider that it might fail to make my Sheer V, well… sheer. There’s a slight contrast, but a lot less than I wanted. So while I will complete this sweater, I feel like I could have knit both yarns into something more suited that would really, truly show off both yarns to their full potential. So I lost motivation for this one. It’s currently in the back of my car just in case as it’s portable, unlike most of my next projects below…

Get the pattern here.

#3 – Lady Fingers Sweater

I spent literal YEARS pairing up the 4 colours needed for this colourwork sweater. Since 2020 this had been on my queue, and I finally got round to casting on in July 2023. I’ve realised I’m not as fast a knitter in colourwork, so this has become a lot slower going than I intended. I also have WAY too much yarn so I’m in two-minds as to whether this becomes a dress or stays as a sweater. Leave a comment at the bottom of this post with your opinion!

I’ve also, somehow, managed to make the short-sleeves loose… even going down a needle size, they’re not as snug fitting – rather than undoing the whole cast-off edge though I am probably just going to elasticate them…. nothing like a shortcut!

Get the pattern here.

#4 – Advent Delkash Dress by Knit With Attitude

I’ve named this one my ADVENT Delkash Dress even though this gorgeous gradient set by Mad Scientist Yarns was never purchased as an advent kit- but rather than a 24-mini skein set to support LUOSKO – a great little German Shepherd charity in the UK. I decided I’d try and tackle my way through all (almost) 2,000 meters of this yarn by attempting brioche for only the second time in my life, following a rather unsuccessful Cordoba Cowl back in 2021.

Man, is this SLOW. While its great to see these colours together I am a) not certain that the vision is going to meet reality or; b) not sure I have the patience to make this into a dress that will fit and cover my entire almost 6 foot body. But I can still dream right?

Needless to say, I did not finish this in the 24 days of advent as intended, this might be a 24-weeker instead…

Get the pattern here.

#5 – Plumetis by Julie Knits in Paris

This is my cursed project. Not sure I’ve ever had a cursed project of any kind before, but this definitely qualifies. Hear me out…

I started this project after falling head over heels with it in Issue 40 of Pom Pom Magazine. I immediately *knew* which yarn I wanted to use and found I would be 1 skein short so put a call out to the wider knitting community and some lovely lady was willing to part with her skein of Fibre Fox fluff to make my dream come true. That was the first and only stroke of luck I had with this project.

After casting on… about three times to get the right 400+ stitch stitch count I found that I needed to concentrate more and this was definitely not TV-appropriate knitting. I dropped a few stitches and had a giant pattern mismatch on one side of the top. After making my peace with this (because ripping back mohair is near-impossible) I carried on, but a work trip back from Stockholm, and some fairly rigorous baggage handling, meant that this top met its initial demise with a damaged tube of toothpaste and was 80% unsalvagable.

I saved as much of the yarn as I could, and being unsure as to whether I should restart, the question also became could I even restart with the yarn I had left, or would I find myself short? I’ve decided to restart, over a year after weeping during the process of ripping out all that mohair (remember how I said it was near-impossible) I sized down a couple of sizes and am almost at the sleeve-split. With this not being TV-knitting, I find it hard to muster the motivation to pick this up, but it doesn’t make me any less in-love with the finished effect of this sweater. I’m hoping 2024 will finally be the year my 5mm needles are finally released from the grasp of this curse…

Get the pattern here.

#6 – Timberwood Tank by Janine Myska

Can’t even show you a picture of my version of this tank. I originally bought all of the Purl Soho yarn in order to complete a Reifel top, but found the pattern tricky, so instead ripped back and brought some crochet back into my life. I don’t know what it is about crochet, but once I started designing for magazines I associated crochet with work so didn’t find it relaxing anymore- hence my BIG shift into knitting. This top has a nice knitted effect, but I did make a stitch count mistake, meaning I’ve even had to rip this back a couple of times…

The yarn has become matted with the oils of my hands as I work, and it doesn’t look as lustrous as when I first received the skeins. I’m hoping that will go away with washing/blocking, but time will tell. Determined to pick this one up and have a nice top by the summer! Alternatively, it’ll get frogged and I’ll re-attempt Reifel…

Get the pattern here.

#7 – Feather Weather by Beata Jezek

After losing our beloved Liv from The Wool Shed last year, I have a renewed urge to complete this project. Started in her The Wool Shed yarns back in February 2022, I picked up some of the first skeins of alpaca that she had ever dyed to make my Feather Weather. I’ve completed the hardest bit (the top) and all that’s left is to keep gartering back and forth for the length. I think I put this down out of the sheer monotony of it, but it will be nice to have something finished from Liv.

Get the pattern here.

#8 – Fifi Feather Robe by Disco Stitch

I can pinpoint the exact moment I put this one down. The moment someone on Instagram said my Bernat Blanket yarn looked like mincemeat on my needles, I lost my appetite (literally!) for finishing off this robe and it’s been sitting in the WIP pile ever since. I even had the ostrich feathers and everything ready to go! Maybe after sitting dormant since November 2021, it’s time for a revival?

Get the pattern here.

These are just 8 to get started with, my Ravelry projects page has a myriad of ‘hibernating’ projects that are in various states of completion, mostly from my ‘beginner knitting’ days (and my 10kg lighter days) and projects I’m looking to lengthen also (#longtorsoproblems). Check them all out here and let me know your favourite in the comments below, and tune in later this year to see how far I get with my WIP Resolution!


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