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My First Wearable – 9 of the Best Patterns to get you wearing your crochet

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Fed up of constantly stitching blankets, shawls and granny squares? Itching to make something you’d be proud to show off and wear? We’ve all felt like that at some point or another, but its SCARY delving into the land of wearables. Here’s 10 patterns to get you making your first wearable in no time!

The patterns below are ALL what I would deem “beginner-friendly”. Simple construction and no complicated patterns to read. Enjoy!

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#1 – Lemon Squeezy Pullover by HeartHookHome

This was my first wearable! Its super easy construction and a great simple textured pattern makes it a wonderful first wearable. Mine was made with Caron Cakes in Bumbleberry, but the colour possibilities are endless! I also like that you can make the neckline as wide or narrow as you’d like with a few simple stitches. The instructions are super easy to follow too.

Find the pattern here.

#2 Amma Top by Maria Valles

Can you make a granny sqaure? Can you join granny squares? Well congratulations, your skill set is advanced enough to complete this easy breezy top! Mine was made with Icelandic wool which makes it super cozy to wear, even though its holey. I plan on making a few more of these this year because they’re simple with an impact.

Find the pattern here.

#3 – Canyon Crochet Top by Love, Aly

This pattern was designed with the beginner in mind. Two rectangles and a little sewing make up this great summery number. Its only made up of 2 stitches so go ahead and give it a go!

Find the pattern here.

#4 – Sweater Weather Cardi by Toni Lipsey

Similar to the Canyon Crochet top above, this cardi is made up of 2 pieces that are sewn together and then sleeves are added. Toni is great because she posts loads of pictures and tutorials. So theres no excuses not to start this one as she’ll coach you through the whole process. Beginning to end.

Find the pattern here.

#5 – The Campfire Cardigan by Jess Coppom

If you can make a granny square- its time to advance to the granny HEXAGON. This free pattern is made up of two hexagons joined together for the easiest cardigan you’ll ever make. PROMISE. Hood is optional and the colour possibilities are endless. I love so much about this cardigan (I hope my mum cherishes hers else I’ll be having it back!)

Find the pattern here.

#6 – The Habitat Cardigan by Jess Coppom

I have mad-love for Jess Coppom and her amazing free patterns. This one is her latest and is made out of ONE RECTANGLE. Yes, you heard right. ONE RECTANGLE. Its amazing what a bit of seaming can do to achieve great results like this. It looks incredibly cosy and is definitely on my to-make list.

Find the pattern here.

#7 – Starry Night Blouse by ByKaterina

If you’re a pro at shawls, then you’ll be a pro at this. Its effectively two shawls. I think the variegated yarn makes this design look harder than it actually is, and boy is it impactful! Channel your inner Van Gogh!

Find the pattern here.

#8 – Forget Me Not Top by Graceforthefrills

So easy I made it on a plane to California! Grace’s instructions are easy to read AND come with video tutorials so you’ll have all the help you need to make this easy cotton top. She’s done tutorials for any size!

Find the pattern here.

#9 – Cabana Top by Sewrella

This is one I plan on making ASAP. Its beautiful and only made using two T-shaped panels so you’ve got no excuses for not starting!

Find the pattern here.

Are there any pattern roundups you’d love to see here? Drop a comment below and I’ll do my best to make the magic happen!


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