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CROCHET PATTERN – Doggy Placemat

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After launching the Love, Aly Facebook group, I have had nothing but love for the Call the Veterinarian Blanket! There’s been a huge call out for more animal patterns, especially a Doggy Placemat for our four-legged friends. Well, if you don’t ask, you don’t get…

Well, without further ado… I am introducing the Doggy Placemat, as modelled above by Rupert and Maisie.

This pattern is a paid intermediate-level pattern and 20% of all sales will be donated to Battersea Dogs Home to help them in the great work they do looking after and re-homing pups (and kitties too!)

The pattern is available here.

Pin this pattern for later here.

Add this pattern to your Ravelry queue here.

You will need:

  • 7mm crochet hook. I use Knit Pro Waves and you can get the same hook as me here.
  • 2 balls of  Wool and the Gang Mixtape in a colour of your choice. You will use approximately 450g of yarn. I used Atlantis Blue.

If you’re looking to substitute, then any t-shirt yarn will do provided you use the correct corresponding hook and crochet pretty tight. No one wants dog food getting through the gaps and all over the floor, right?

Rupert and Maisie are A’s sisters two Lhasa Apso’s and aren’t they just adorable? They were awesome at posing for the camera to help me get some great snaps of the big blue bone doggy placemat!

The great thing about this Doggy Placemat is it’s completely machine washable because it uses T-shirt yarn. So not only is it quick to work up because the yarn is super chunky, but it can also be thrown in the washing machine for a good spruce when needed.

If you fancy making this pattern for your pups then you can find it here.

If you’re feeling intimated by the word “intermediate”, and want to know exactly what the entails, these are the techniques and stitches you will need to know:

  • Decreases
  • Starting chain made up of three pieces joined together

In fact you could also class this pattern as suitable for an Adventurous Beginner. Either way, I’ll be here for you every step of the way on the Love, Aly Designs Facebook Group as always!


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