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Persian Tiles – my Crochet Challenge

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In true #ThrowbackThursday spirit I’m throwing back to my second ever crochet project. The Persian Tiles Blanket by Jane Crowfoot. 

Now I know what you might be thinking- “no way was that her second project!” But yes, hand on heart I had never picked up a crochet hook until about 3 weeks before and made THE WORST granny stripe blanket for my goddaughter. It didn’t lie straight and even blocking couldn’t fix the multitude of mistakes I made.

This was the first thing I ever (successfully) crocheted!

So why did I choose such a seemingly ambitious project as my second attempt? Because this beauty is basically one motif repeated and the stitches get harder as you work outwards. So by the time I had finished the first few rows of double and treble crochet and repeated it another 15 times I was ready to learn FPDC and figure out what the hell “back loop only” meant.

This blanket is the largest thing I’ve ever made and it is FULL of mistakes and at least 10,000 swear words have been stitched into this- My pride and joy.

Don’t ever let a big and complex project intimidate you. Use it as an opportunity to grow your skill set. If you check Ravelry first you’ll find people who have attempted the same project, and our crochet community is so kind that it only takes a few clicks to reach out and say “WTF?!” 

I’d love this thread to become a place of encouragement, a place to inspire one another. Show me your most challenging projects, tell me how you got through the WTF moments and stayed motivated. I’d love to hear from you!

Post below!

PS: purchase the Persian Tiles pattern here!


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