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10 Christmas Gifts for the Knitter/Crocheter who has *EVERYTHING*

female friends exchanging presents for christmas holidays

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We all know them, the knitters or crocheters who seem to have every gadget or gizmo known to the fibre world! And if we don’t know them, then we *are* them. So what to get (or even ask for) for the knitter/Crocheter who has everything?

Hooks, needles, patterns and even YARN can be a personal thing. Fibre-enthusiasts love picking out their own goodies as they know what works for them. And while we’ll never turn our nose up at gifted yarn, our house may already be a fibrous fire hazard.

So here are 10 Christmas (or anytime really) gifts for the knitter or Crocheter in your life who has exhausted the realms of Google’s online shopping tool, and yet can’t show the world enough how much they really do love what they do.

#1 – A Skeinhead Tee

It’s no secret that since I discovered these T-shirt’s I’ve been on a crusade to catch them all. I currently have 2 gorgeous designs in my wardrobe and they make a great casual outfit for days when I’m not wearing my own knits.

Knit Fast Die Warm is a never to be re-printed design, but you can get your mitts on Philomena and her friends here.

#2 – Maker’s Board by Coco Knits

If you’ve ever knitted on the sofa, you’ll know it can become a nightmare trying to balance your pattern on your knees while keeping those stitches on your needles.

Even if you’re an iPad and crochet combo kind of person- a makers board is an amazingly simple tool that you can use to keep track of your position within your pattern and the magnetic pieces make it so much easier to find where you are when you glance away.

Get yours here.

#3 – Row Counter Ring by KnitPro

Jewellery thats actually useful! Keep the counter turning on your finger so you never have to reach for a notepad, pen/paper or even your phone again! You can wear this no matter where you go, so you’ll always know where you are in a pattern – and bonus points: it doesn’t take up any space in your project bag!

Never lose track again: here.

#4 – Knitting / Crochet Journal by Hobbii

If you’re not big into the world of Ravelry, and haven’t embraced technology by way of a spreadsheet to keep track of your patterns- these journals are the perfect addition to any crafter’s hoard.

They have space for all your need-to-know project info, like yarn, needle/hook size – as well as some sketching and note space.

Get the crochet journal here, and get the knit journal here.

#5 – Needle/Hook Tidy by Love, Aly

It’s nice to have your favourite tools close to hand, so instead of fishing hooks from between the sofa cushions, ensure your crafting buddy isn’t gouging their buttcheeks with every manoeuvre and can instead keep their supplies organised and beautifully on show.

Get them here.

#6 – A Leather Project Bag by Joji&Co.

Now if you’re a generous friend, like my gorgeous yarn bestie Michelle, you’ll know that you are guaranteed a dog-whistle pitch, supersonic squeal when anyone finds themselves with their very own Joji&Co. bag in their hands.

Mine was a 30th-birthday-cum-housewarming gift and while it’s been stored safely while I unpack my new house, I do occasionally take it out of the dust bag for a sniff of that gorgeous Argentine leather (surely I’m not the only one!)

Get another squeal out into the world here.

#7 – Knitting & Crochet Stickers by Qwerty Cat

My storage boxes are covered in these gorgeous stickers by Emma. They’re so relatable and punny that looking over at them just brings me so much joy!

Spark joy here.

#8 – Drawer Fresheners by GeorgiaGraceResin

I absolutely love when my knits smell sweetly even after being tucked away all summer long. These drawer fresheners live amongst my fibres and keep everything smelling fresh and when the smell is all gone- they can be popped into a wax burner and melted away.

Pick your scent here.

#9 – Tote Bag by LanaBou

As a crafter, you can never be short of tote bags to store all your WIPs (because let’s be honest, it’s always more than one!) and these bags that Kate lovingly creates are stylish, funny AND practical. I don’t think anyone would be disappointed with her products!

Find something witty here.

#10 – Shawl Straps by Yarnistry

Nothing worse than when your scarf/shawl catches the wind and starts to unravel around your neck. These bright neon straps are fashionable and practical for keeping things at bay.

Mine is currently on order and I can’t wait to get all bundled up in my scarves this winter and not fear the dreaded cold winter wind stealing my knits!

Get yours here.

Have I missed something that you think no crocheter/knitter should be without? Let me know in the comments below!


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