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If you’ve been a long-time subscriber to my ramblings, you’ll know that the Love, Aly blog has frequently featured a segment called Local Shop Spotlight where I (and other editors of this blog) immerse myself in a new location and try and find the local yarn hot spots. Working in Sweden for the next 3 months, I expected to be in a yarny haven that I’d struggle unpicking myself out of, but the reality is sadly, lacking.
I’m currently writing this in my hotel room in Stockholm, watching the rain cascade down the windows. My WIP is close by (I’m working on a Wildflowers Blouse by Poison Grrls for their 2022 KAL) and seems to have had a lot more action on the 3 hour train journey from Herrljunga to Stockholm than is has since I started at the beginning of August. Nothing like Scandi woodland to whet the knitting appetite…
The time before this when visiting Stockholm, I was overloading my Google Search history with “Stockholm Yarn Shops”, “Handdyed Swedish Yarn” and the like, but when my feet hit the tarmac- I found myself facing closed doors and limited variety.
First up on my list was visiting Fingerborg Butik and Atelier which looked incredible online, and after stumbling past a restaurant named “Meatballs for the People” (officially on my to-eat list!), I was met with a locked glass door with a post-it stuck to the front letting me know that the owner was on holiday until September.

Let me tell you- what I did see through the window had me drooling and I thought I could rectify the situation this trip and finally get to tour the sacred sanctuary of yarny magic – but alas the opening hours have now been amended and I won’t ever make it after work.

To make up for lost walking, I then decided to visit Litet Nystan which is Swedish for “Little Skein”. The shop itself had a phenomenal selection of yarns- the trouble being that I couldn’t find any hand-dyed, or locally sourced/spun yarns- everything with Norwegian or a known-and-easily-bought-in-the-U.K. variety that I just couldn’t bare to part with my pennies.

My intention with these trips back-and-forth from the U.K. to Sweden, was to collect little mini skeins so I could make myself a little “souvenir” wrap, but seems like the Norse Gods have other plans.

A few other places I wanted to try out included Garnadiset in Bandhagen, Klara Tyg & Garn in Kungsgatan and Makeri 14 in the Old Town (Gamla Stan) but again opening hours are a blocker.
In summary, Fingerborg looks like the best shot at local Swedish yarn, but if you’re only free time is over a weekend- you’ll be sadly disappointed.
Have any recommendations for me to check out in Stockholm? Let me know in the comments below!