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LSS: In the Wool Shed, Kennilworth, UK

Yarn in jars of natural dyes

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[usrlist “Number of Brands Stocked:0” “Size of Store:2” “WOW-Factor:5” “Knit and Natter:0”]

*I didn’t attend a Knit and Natter at this venue.
*In the Wool Shed only stocks its own brand.

Time flies. I can’t believe its almost been a year since I visited In the Wool Shed to learn how to spin. It took me forever to finally organise a trip out, and seems like its taken me forever to finally write it up!

The first rule of spinning with Emma, is you can never speak negatively about your own work. Its always ‘yummy, delicious, handmade wooly goodness’. It doesn’t matter that its not even throughout and looks a bit stringy, because its made with love- you should love it!

I embarked on my adventure in spinning with my friend Jane after receiving a selection of merino roving for Christmas. After trying to drop-spindle it into yarn in my living room while following YouTube tutorials, my least favourite colour of roving (the brown), started to come out looking a little bit like stringy poop, and at that point I decided it was time I get some proper tuition.

In the Wool Shed is located at East Chase Farm, Chase Lane, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1PR, UK.

We started our morning by venturing into the barn loft. What struck me first is the interesting insulation. The barn has opted for an old school, but super eco-friendly form of sheeps wool, wadded into the rafters- how utterly brilliant! No nasty fibre-glass here because sustainability is the name of the game at In the Wool Shed!

We sat down by our spinning wheels, opposite huge vats of Emma’s magic all-natural-pigment dye mixtures. We learnt about her trips to India (she used to live there too!) and how she fell in love with all things Indigo. She regularly runs dyeing and Indigo workshops – the next workshops on my list!

Emma started by explaining how to pinch fibres from the roving in the right quantities and how to feed it through the wheel. Hand, foot and eye co-ordination became a complicated task we had to juggle and it showed in our yarn – a little chunky here, a little thread-like there…

After 2 hours we had our very own little skein of yummy, delicious, handmade wooly goodness and isn’t it just adorable?

Now onto the shop. I tell everyone about this shop because I find it super awesome that its actually a STORAGE CONTAINER! I love the versatility of storage containers anyway, but seeing one converted into this amazing little shop is just too much for my storage-container-loving-heart to take!

All the hand-spun, hand-dyed yarns, and delectable treats you can find within the 4 walls of this container make it a super snug little getaway even with its exteriors stark contrast against the humble farm background.

If there’s one word I’d use to describe my morning at In the Wool Shed it would be: relaxing. Even now, almost a year later, I feel calm thinking about my time there and I recommend it to anyone looking to take part in a workshop, Knit and Natter, or just to shop! Its the next best thing to a Spa Day!


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