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LSS: LoobyLou Yarns, Thornbury & Wotton-under-Edge, UK

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Double trouble with this Local Shop Spotlight! Or should that be “shopS”… My 2020 Yarn Ban is still going strong (8 days in) although I couldn’t resist a squish of some fancy yarns, and I definitely got more than I bargained for when I visited the two sister stores of LoobyLou Yarns.

Google Maps failed me, sort of. When looking for LoobyLou’s yarns, I ended up heading for the Thornbury store (south of where I needed to be) instead of the Wotton-under-Edge store that I’d researched the day before.

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The Wotton-under-Edge store is located at: 24 Long Street, Wotton Under Edge, Gloucestershire, GL12 7BT

The Thornbury store is located at: 15 The Plain, Thornbury, Bristol, BS35 2BD

Luckily the stores are not too far away, but if you are lucky enough to visit both of them in the same day (as I did) then you’ll notice they both look almost identical.

For one, they both sell plants.

Yes, you read correctly, amongst the multitude of colourful fibres sit plants of all shapes and sizes. Well not exactly “among” the fibres, there is a distinct border across the store. Yarns to the left of me, cacti to the right… here I am… stuck in the middle. But while my houseplant Luigi the Lily is still growing strong, I am not much of a plant whisperer so I’ll focus on the yarn…

…and let me tell you- the choice is great. Budget buys to expensive treat-wool. This place has it all!

Driving to the store, A was on hand in the passenger seat googling how much a new Knit Pro Waves would cost me after misplacing my 4mm at his parents house over the Christmas period. I didn’t think I’d find this brand at the store, and would have to resort to buying it online, but I was pleasantly surprised.

The Thornbury store stocked the brand but not the size, which is how I ended up discovering the Wotton store. Lining the shelves at both stores I found West Yorkshire Spinners, Malabrigo, Manos Del Uruguay- just to name a few. It was great to see hand-dyed yarn on the shelves too- in particular Crafty Cat Yarns.

Old favourites were displayed, filling the shelves with beautiful colours. Stylecraft Special, Stylecraft Wondersoft, Batik, Merry go Round, Rico Essentials. My favourite was the whole range of West Yorkshire Spinners yarns: Exquisite, Croft, Bo Peep and Gems to name a few. The Gems colours are honestly so gorgeous it’s worth taking a visit to your local yarn shop to check them out!

Being on a 2020-Yarn Ban on this trip was HARD. I particularly eyed up a WYS sock knitting kit and squished some beautiful roving and A had to pry me out of the shop. I did come out with a hook, and I’ll definitely be back for more (when the yarn ban is over, obviously…)


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