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LSS: The Bourton Basket, Bourton-on-the-Water, UK

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Nestled between souvenir shops and quaint river-side pubs, lies The Bourton Basket. On Ravelry its advertised as a yarn-store bearing the name of a pub. In reality, it’s so much more….

A and I decided this year, that after the glamour of last years New Year Caribbean cruise, we’d take it easy. New Year was an understated affair, that even though its only March, I have to remind myself that we are in fact in a new year and decade. I watched fireworks from my door step while Prosecco, I never actually got around to drinking, cooled in the fridge.

As you can expect, hotel prices surge around New Year and it’s hard to find somewhere to stay that won’t rob you blind all because of the date. So we waited until a few days after to head to the Cotswolds and explore more of our home country.

Even when it’s cold, the Cotswolds are inviting. Bundled up in relatively small amount of knitwear for the time of year, we enjoyed walking up and down the main street of Bourton-on-the-Water in search of yarn.

The Bourton Basket is located at: The Old Forge, Moore Road, Bourton-on-the-Water, Gloucester, GL54 2AZ.

Even at this time of year, hundreds of tourists surge to the serene haven that is Bourton-on-the-Water. It’s classically picturesque and what I would call ‘stereotypical Britain’ whereby, this is what foreigners think of when they think of ‘Great Britain’.

The store itself is cute from the outside, quintessentially British- reminiscent of a cottage infact. Two entrances make this almost a drive-thru for the craftaholic. One end has the yarns, and as you make your way through the store you sink deeper and deeper into threads, quilting accessories and more.

But we’re only here for the yarn, right?

Prices are a little high, but thats what you get when you’re a) in the Cotswolds and b) in the middle of nowhere. So if you’re on a long break here and find yourself without your yarn (like you’d ever leave the house without it) then this should be your new Mecca. While its short of hand-dyed, you will find a selection of well-known brand names, including: West Yorkshire Spinners, King Cole, Sirdar and James C. Brett.

Bourton Basket also prides itself on the fact that it sells UK wool from the Shetlands to the Falklands. They also sell my favourite brand of Knit Pro hooks (the Waves FYI) as well as other Knit Pro goodies if you’re a knitter.

But the pièce de résistance for me is all the additional accessories you can get for your yarn-addiction. I’m talking everything from coasters, to buttons to project bags. I mean, check out how dreamy some of these are!

This is like a souvenir shop for the yarn-enthusiast.

And thats probably the reason I’d come. Its not a store I’d aim to regularly get my yarn from. Its a gift shop if I ever needed to get something for one of my fibre friends, or to treat myself to something I wouldn’t usually find in my local store. Its cute novelty – which is something I absolutely adore.

I definitely recommend this place. Check it out next time you’re in the Cotswolds!


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