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Greenwich Mystery CAL – October

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Once again, another month has flown by. With the start of autumn and “sweater weather” my to-make list is SLAMMED. This is my favourite panel so far (I’m a HUGE cat person) and it didn’t seem right to *not* commemorate this unofficial ‘holiday’.

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Halloween is a mish-mash of Samhain (the ‘original’ Celtic Halloween designed to scare off ghosts) and All Saints Day, which as we know, is celebrated on the 1st November. The Americans basically took these holidays and ‘Americanised’ them over the years to include trick or treating, dressing up and games.

October symbolises the end of summer and the start of the harvest, which is why you might see a lot of pumpkins out in the stores (in the Northern Hemisphere) and the days start to become shorter. Its normal to be able to see stars earlier and earlier in the day.

October Black Cat

With it being sweater season, I have been absolutely SLAMMED with commissions. My physical and mental health had to take priority and so I lowered my workload by not completing the sample of this square. I WILL catch up when the madness is over. Scroll down to see the charted square regardless, it’ll give you a good idea what your square will look like finished.

You will need:


Again, most questions will be answered here so please read the CAL information here before starting. Every question that gets asked will be added to this document so that everyone can benefit.

I look forward to seeing your finished squares, and don’t forget to join the Facebook group and share them with our little crochet community!


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