An Open Letter to Myself

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If there’s anything that 2020 has shown me, it’s that you are stronger than you think. This is my 2020 affirmation. If I can get through Covid, I can get through anything.

Hey past-life Aly,

I want you to know that I admire you. You’ve known pain, you’ve known failure- but every single time you have pushed through. While you’re breaking inside, you’ve projected this unshakable strength that no one would know how bad it was feeling- forget 2020, this is true of every day when you’ve struggled to get out of bed. When you’ve gritted your teeth through unimaginable pain.

You know that it’s important to show up and never give up- and that’s guided by your unwavering belief that anything is possible no matter the odds. You were never designed to fit into just one box. You were put on this earth to be so much more. You embrace all of life’s experiences regardless of whether they’re good or bad and never shy away. You face things- sometimes stubbornly, but you learn and grow no matter how difficult things become. You are not the same person as you were last year.

You’ve bent over backwards for those that you care about, you’ve reached near-breaking point sometimes, but every time your belief that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel has kept you on the straight and narrow even in all consuming darkness. In fact, more often than not, you create your own light. You are unstoppable.

You’ve given yourself permission to be flawed, and allowed yourself to make mistakes. You know that you’re not always going to have it all together and that sometimes your heart is going to break.

You are going to get hurt, you are going to feel pain. But every time you break that way, you become a little more alive. You become more open with yourself. You become exposed to your sensibility. You become vulnerable, and that vulnerability will never detract from your strength.

Every crack tells you a little more about yourself — your strength, your courage, your tenacity — what you’re made of. You’ve learnt not to hide these pieces from the world because they are a part of who you are. And you keep going despite this and despite how much it hurts.

You see, the most beautiful people are the ones who are broken. Their hearts are heavy but they love the deepest. They have seen the dark but they appreciate the light and what brings them light. They’re compassionate, understanding, and empathetic. Beautiful hearts just don’t happen- they’re bruised, battered and tenacious.

And ultimately, what makes you completely beautiful is what lies within. The way you choose to respond, the way you choose to persevere every time. The way you choose to live and love.

And you’ll attract people that appreciate exactly who you are and how you choose to live. One of the most amazing things that can happen is finding someone who just gets you- just genuine compatibility. No faking it.

It’s 3 in the morning talks when you can’t sleep. It’s dancing in the car to your favourite songs. It’s laughing until your stomach hurts. It’s comfortable silence. It’s quiet understanding.

It’s texting you in the middle of the night to make sure you’re okay and haven’t fallen down the stairs when you’re home alone during lockdown. It’s showing you that some hearts will never leave. It’s picking up the pieces. It’s bringing you back to life.

Hold onto those people, and appreciate them the same way that I appreciate you. Listen to their story while continuing to write your own.

Keep on keeping on, 2020 is almost over and 2021 as so many doors waiting to be bust open. I’m proud of you.

Love, present-day Aly

  • steelbreeze


    Love this post! Miss you sweetie! xxx

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