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New House: New Me

crop man packing stack of books in opened cardboard box

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It’s been a month since my last post- and what a month it’s been. The sale on my house finally completed and now I live in an alternate box-filled dimension in the countryside.

I’ve joined the “Unexplained Bruises Club” thanks to the fact that I can’t even get to my front door without attempting some form of acrobatic stunt to get past the plastic crates full of junk that I’ve accumulated throughout the years, and add in a time constraint of getting to the front door before the postman puts a “Sorry you weren’t in” card through the letterbox, it makes for some pretty intense black and blue markings over my body.

I had the genius idea to read Marie Kondo’s “Spark Joy” book and it motivated me so much to tidy and de-clutter. Problem is, I don’t think even Marie Kondo would be prepared for the amount of stuff I’ve accumulated – and that’s excluding the yarn!

The charity shop might aswell be my local pub right now, but with having to find one with a carpark (on account of shit being heavy!) I end up driving 30 minutes to the nearest one. I feel so guilty everytime I sneak in about 50 DVD’s into my giveaway crate as apparently charity shops refuse to take them anymore (the result of Netflix!) but I’m sure someone somewhere will appreciate my copy of Catch Me If You Can (brilliant movie, by the way!).

Toiletries Amnesty also took over 15kgs of brand new, unopened toiletries from my house and it was only as the crate was leaving my hands that I realised I hoarded more things than I was actually aware of. Please can I never get a bath set for Christmas ever again!!! But I’m glad that there are less fortunate people out there who will benefit. Definitely recommend doing a clear-out and sending all your unopened products to this awesome charity.

I decided to take on Silverstone F1 traffic yesterday to start picking out paints. Raised by a mother who thought anything more colourful than Magnolia was too much, I’ve yet again decided to rebel and my dreams of a dark Yarn Cave (or my “Study” as my parents think it is) are one step closer to fruition. Submarine Blue – COME AT ME.

I’ve been keeping a Pinterest board of some of my new home inspiration which you can find here. It’s funny actually, because I took a paint test at Valspar and it identified similar shades to all of the colours I’d already picked out as my ‘favourites’. Also – read what it said about me.

I feel like this is a more accurate depiction of myself than any magazine quiz! They also have an amazing dropper tool, which meant my best friend could pick out a colour chip at Home Depot in the US and I could translate it into a Valspar colour in the UK – incidentally, that’s the Submarine Blue.

Anyway, its new house feels with old owner vibes. Everything is BEIGE, or brown or grey. God, there’s just so much brown and it’s soooo not me.

Last night, donning a disposable shower cap, I started painting the ceiling of what I affectionately call ‘The Snug’. I think most people in the UK have a room like this, and people know that it’s the kind of ‘second living room’, the one that you can trash because your official living room is always ready for action and a visit from the Queen. Apparently, anyone from outside our little island has no clue what a snug is- but let me tell you- mine will be snug.

One coat of ceiling paint done and I massively regret painting it with a 4″ roller (Click and Collect faux pas!) and I think tonight I’m going to opt for a 9″ roller and a hell of a lot more splatter. The carpet (again, grey) only got hit twice – which for me is a near-miracle, but I am like a possessed madwoman wanting to get some colour up on my walls. First up is Cousin Claire and Benjamin’s Buttons which, in my mind, will make a perfect pairing across the walls. I love the eco-feel and the natural vibe.

Incidentally- who names paint colours? Is there someone who’s sole job it is to sit and name paint? I’ve seen some dodgy ones, but for the most part Cousin Claire doesn’t seem to offend me yet.

Also- why Submarine Blue and not Submarine yellow?

Knowing that if I didn’t paint the ceilings I’d live to regret it, I’m now half-crippled on the sofa googling painters and decorators to do the second coat…

Moving house as someone with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome has been interesting. Packing boxes was wearing me out, but then the lifting. Hugely grateful to my parents and their friend for helping me out with that. If only they could unpack too! The snug is the only civilised room (other than the bathrooms) so it’s the first one to get painted – to hopefully motivate me to finish more.

Alternatively, it’ll be the one room I sit in forevermore with the door closed so I don’t need to face the rest of the house…

Either way, this is a new beginning, for myself, my stuff, and my house.

Here’s some before photos and I hope to post the afters soon!


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