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The Greenwich CAL is back!

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You might remember, in 2020 I started a mystery CAL before the world went into Covid-chaos. It was a big hit with the stash-busters and C2C (corner-to-corner) lovers out there and I am pleased to say IT’S BACK!

It’s not a mystery, and instead it’s a re-release of the graphs, designed to re-unite us after being separated for so long. 2022 is the year we finally got our lives back, and so I’m hoping for even more wonderful things in 2023.

From January 1st the graphs will be re-released and I am hoping to grow a year long group of CAL-ers to make their own blanket (or finish off the blanket they might have originally started in 2020!)

There will be PRIZES for the finished squares, and even those started or finished in 2020 will be submittable on Instagram using the hashtag #greenwichCAL and tagging me @lovealyuk – as well as through the Facebook group.

All the details for the CAL can be found on the original post from waaaay back in 2019 here.

Here’s a taste of what’s to come:


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